今天因為心情不是很好, 想紀錄一下.
來了新加坡兩個月了, 除了不能開車以外,
是啊, 我很幸運, 還是住在阿姨的家,
才說著沒什麼可以嫌, 今天我還真遇到了可以嫌的地方.
工作的地方是校園, 對於一個長不大的我來說, 是個蠻好的環境.
在還沒有到學校之前, 總公司hp就交代千萬不要和學生拉近距離.
"You got to keep a professional distance from students."
Well... I seriously don't think that I'm professional but...
即使沒有交代, 我想我和學生的距離也不會拉近.
我雖然快要不像一個人了, 但至少不是猴子.
只是有件事真的很pek chek.
就算沒有50個, 加上non-teaching staff也該有50個了.
If some problems happen and I am needed,
every problems are urgent as what they said.
Well, 我看我該學學怎樣分身了.
Ok, 就當是我不會task management, I can do better.
But then, 妳的電腦很慢, 關我什麼事?
人老了行動就會變的遲鈍, 電腦老了當然就會慢啦.
用電腦的習慣又不好, 知識又沒有, 都算了.
特地label this as urgent, 浪費我的時間也都都都算了.
妳又要問為什麼, 答了又碎碎念''ya meh? ya meh?"
Don't f-ing ask if you don't f-ing accept the truth.
And don't f-ing ask me change computer for you,
I don't have the f-ing rights to buy f-ing new computers.
Tell this to the f-ing IT Dept Head during the f-ing meeting.
Just f-ing imagine how busy I am if every f-ing computer user act the same?
If you had VPN problem, please f-ing gimme time to solve it.
I don't have the f-ing access to the VPN while you could access it 24/7.
Please just f-ing don't ask me why I need time to do.
You don't want to be considerate in my situation is perfectly fine,
I'm ready to spend time to solve your problems, but not waste time for answering question that,
you don't accept the answer.
And don't f-ing say I'm not fit to my job because I don't know this, which I never have chance to practise.
How about I ask you to make a delicious cake while you never make cake before in your life?
You should be f-ing appreciate I'm solving the problem even I don't f-ing know it.
And please for holy mother of god sake,
don't take personal favor like I got to do it for sure.
I already said I will only do it when I'm really free.
Please don't keep f-ing asking me when will be done.
You could remind me, but please don't emphasize when when when.
I don't know the f-ing when while every of you label "urgent" in everything.
Countless people quit this job within 2 years time, you all should know how tough this job is.
As you all... so call high-educationed people.
And I been to this school only for about goddam 2 months, you ask me the stuff happened last year, of course I don't know.
"It is your job now and you have to do it yourself, stop ask me."
wtf? Of course I bloody know it is my job now,
but how am I going to know the things happened last year? If I don't ask?
I ask for the logs, you said missing.
And you give me the f-ing conclusion like that.
Then? I can write whatever I like?
F-ing people are always gets better salary, and left only mouth is working.
Easy job with low pay and also with supreme lame colleagues.
But well, I'm still feeling quite satisfied, in computer means.
Thats my job, and much probably... my life.